Ali Abdaal: Feel Good Productivity

A fun read to start 2024! I bought Ali Adbaal’s book in Waterstones in St Andrews after a long day in the office. I actually started listening to the audiobook on my way home, before diving into the physical copy later that evening.

I have been a follower of Ali’s YouTube channel for a few years. I really enjoy Ali’s candid but professional style on camera, and his ability to distill empirically informed academic content for a lay audience is impressive. Ali’s style carries over into his book. It helped that I began the introduction on the audiobook, as it is read by Ali himself. When reading the physical copy, I could hear Ali’s dulcet tones in my head, almost as if I was still driving home with the audiobook in my ears. There are plenty of very insightful take-home messages in the book, but the main thing that sticks in my head isn’t directly linked to the content. It’s the accessibility of Ali’s writing.

Having completed my undergraduate and masters degrees in psychology, and currently undertaking a psychology PhD, I’d say I have a fairly good overview of basic psychology topics! What I really, really enjoyed about Ali’s book is that, although it was informed by scientific research throughout, it never felt like an academic book. I was able to listen to and read about stories and anecdotes relating to complex psychological theory without feeling like I was in a lecture or reading a textbook. I am confident that even without any psychology experience, anyone would be able to learn something from the book. Ali suggests that after reading the book, you will have learned how to:

  1. Build your own productivity system that doesn’t feel like a grind

  2. Make any work (however dull) feel more energising and enjoyable

  3. Stay focused in a world of constant distractions

  4. Beat procrastination forever without just relying on motivation and discipline

  5. Reduce the stress of your work while staying productive

  6. Get clarity on what you really want from your work and your life

  7. Stay consistent with what really matters to you over the long term

  8. Set meaningful goals that help you feel good while achieving more

  9. Recharge your energy through science-backed strategies

  10. Find alignment, fulfilment, and enjoyment in all that you do

…and much, much more.

That’s a pretty comprehensive list! But what is really at the heart of the book is creating a positive energy around everything you do. Slaving away and working hard is one thing, but really enjoying and wanting to succeed is another. The book allowed me to honestly think about my work, while thinking about my role models and what it is that I admire in them. The three pillars of the book, Energise, Unblock and Sustain, guide you through strategies and tips to help create a life rich with fulfilment and joy. I certainly got that feeling from the book, particularly when Ali was talking about performance anxiety..

My PhD is investigating the cognitive and neural mechanisms underpinning performance under pressure. Ali recites anecdotes about Beyoncé’s alter ego, Sasha Fierce, while describing the inspiration that Adele got from Fierce while creating Sasha Carter (a combination of Sasha Fierce and June Carter if you were wondering). I feel my most vulnerable when “performing” during public speaking, as many people do. Ali’s casual writing about Sasha Fierce and Sasha Carter, as well as his own strategy with developing an alter-ego type figure with the addition of some glasses, really got me thinking. If reading this book, which only took me three short reading sessions by the way, can help me to overcome my so-far lifelong fear of public speaking then it will have been worth every penny and more. I am really excited to apply some of the strategies Ali cites when it comes to my next public speaking engagement later this year. Perhaps a small change: a new pair of glasses, a hat, or a colour or style of clothing I don’t usually wear. Adopt another character while presenting and see what happens.

If you are looking for a light, quick read to start off your year, there’s only one place to look. Order Ali’s book today!


A quick note on attentional theories of choking 🧠