Adam Peaty: The Gladiator Mindset

I have just finished reading The Gladiator Mindset by Adam Peaty: it’s a great introduction into mental training processes for elite athletes, as Adam shares some of the strategies that have worked for him throughout his successful career to date. He cites some work from psychologists, but also goes into detail about other less-formal mindset tools that have helped him over the years.

Psychology can be a scary concept for some people. The scientific, neurological basis is enough to put many people off. We need more books like The Gladiator Mindset: the book sets out the concepts for a lay audience, and provides real-world examples of the concepts and strategies in use. The subtitle of the book is Ten steps to achieve the impossible, which might give you an idea about Peaty’s journey so far.

So much of what is covered in the book is not just relatable to sport: the book is great for motivating you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be, whatever context they may be in.


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